The Real Questions Are :

- Are you sure that all your financial needs are covered?

- Are you sure that you are on the right track to reach your goals?

- Are you sure that you are consuming the right financial products?


Where you are

  • Know if you are on the right track.
  • Know if you are consuming the right insurance products.
  • ​Know when and how to make the right financial decisions.
  • ​Make sure your family is well protected and financialy secure.
  • Understand your actual situation.
  • ​Build a strong foundation for long-term financial success.


Where you want to go (End-goal)

  • Know how much money is needed for your retirement.
  • ​Know how much money is needed to preserve your lifestyle.
  • ​Know if your investments are working as hard as you are working for them.
  • ​Know the important guidelines to plan effectively.
  • ​Identify your end-goal that will lead you to you financial freedom.

Personnal & Family Info

In order for the system to work properly, make sur each form are filled refer to the exemples bellow each boxes to get full value from this step

Example : "Male"

Example : 35

Example : 60

Example : 7

Incomes & Spending

In order for the system to work properly, make sur each form are filled refer to the exemples bellow each boxes to get full value from this step

Example : 50000

Example : 55000

Example : 1500  (debt been paid, life expenses, insurances, bills, ect.)

Assets & Liabilities

In order for the system to work properly, make sur each form are filled refer to the exemples bellow each boxes to get full value from this step

Example : 105000  (car + morgage + personnal )

Example : 45000  (30000 invested and 15000 in savings)

Example : 400

Example :  3  (My yearly interest on my investement average 3%)



Discover Your Insurance Needs & Your F.I. Number

Why your needs are important?

Your Insurance needs are always changing. You will consume different financial products at different stages of your life and it is crucial to select the right product that will help you in your unique situation. 

Do you have enough protection? How fast are your needs changing? Are you paying too much for a product that does not correspond to your needs?
Complete the survey find out!

What is the F.I. Number & 
Why is it Important

The F.I. Number is your personnal Financial Independance Number. It represent the amount of money that you need to have saved when you retire to be able to sustain you in  your current lifestyle throughout your retirement.

By taking in account the age at which you would like to retire, your lifestyle, your savings and your spending habits, we can figure out the important metric that shows us the end-goal of our financial life, Financial Independance.

About This Step

  • No personnal transactionnal information are collected. Your privacy is protected at all costs.
  • The information that you provide in this survey is anonymous and will be used to showcase your financial insurance needs & your Financial Independance Number only.
  • These results will be based on the information that you provide us. Keep in mind that any wrong information will influence the results.
  • ​Our goal is to show you valuable informations and help you understand your unique financial situation.
  • You are free to use this information to reflect on your products, financial situation, decisions and how you consume finances.
  • ​Your results are for informative purposes only.
    Before making any changes on your situation, make sure to seek advice from a professional.

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